Thursday, November 10, 2011

Detrimental Dependence

In this day and age, the incredible amount of technology usage has become quite normal.  With the over-usage has come over-dependence.  Over-dependence of technology has become deleterious because it can distract multitudes of people from more important things, it has caused humans in general to become less efficient, and it has reduced face to face social interactions.  Positive results have come from this evolution of technology, but ill-effects have also resulted because of it.  Some people have noticed this, yet some people have not.  Most likely, the people who have noticed the amount of technology dependence see it in those who are all around them.

Students logging on to Facebook instead of starting their homework has become quite common.  Housewives also sometimes read blogs instead of doing the dishes or the laundry.  Today's computer technology has become distracting for most people and they do not accomplish their more important tasks.  Many people can have separation anxiety because of long periods without their computer or cell phone at their finger tips.  This causes one to leave the dirty dishes in the sink so that they can go check their email or see if they have any notifications on Facebook.  As a result, ignored dirty laundry, dirty dishes, and dust accumulate.  When tasks pile up in unmanageable amounts because of procrastination, one may regret not doing these chores afterwards and only afterwards.  Beforehand, house wife may not anticipate these happenings, resulting in more work than before.

Humans tend to depend on technology so much that slowly the populace has become less efficient.  Housewives may need to know how many cups in a pint.  They simply sit down in front of the computer, type in their question, and they find the answer.  Yet, people only tend to retain such information as long as they need to.  If they forget the answer, they simply look it up once again.  Long ago, such technology did not exist, and women did not need to look up how much a pinch requires, or how many teaspoons in a tablespoon, or how many friends she had on Facebook.  She simply remembered the important things.  As humans depend more and more on technology, they do not need to retain as much information as they needed to before.  Information will rest at the fingertips constantly.  Therefore, people do not have to remember; they simply look it up, and forget once again.

Today, people mainly socially interact with each other through Myspace, Twitter, and Facebook.  People who do not have a life-long companion resort to dating sites.  Physical social interactions become less and less popular.  Communication online comes with more ease than talking face-to-face, anyway.  Why go through the trouble of keeping up a conversation when one cannot think about what to say before he or she says it?  Instead, people pull out their cell phones, or open up Facebook to chat with friends.  Millions have forgotten how to communicate in “real life”.  Texting has made talking to a teen’s crush much easier.  Yet, males and females alike find it difficult to talk to each other in person.  Elaine Swann, a 21st century etiquette expert, says, “I think because of the fact that we can kind of hide or sit, you know, behind our computers screen, some individuals have a tendency to share information that they might not otherwise share if they were standing face to face with someone.”  She basically says that humans feel more timid in “real life” to give out information or to interact with someone as opposed how they would feel online.  All of this ties into one thing; humanity has started to depend more and more on technology to say things they otherwise would not say to someone in real life.

Although the technology has helped this world, adverse effects have also resulted.  Chilren sit up in their rooms chatting on Facebook instead of sitting in the family room, bonding with family.  Sometimes this can cause families to grow apart.  General Omar Nelson Bradley once said, “Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our executioner.”  If we continue to update technology and create more to help us, eventually, it will cause more harm than help.  Even though complete dependence on technology can cause damage, restricted use may not.  Technology, if used in moderation, can produce positive effects.  As time goes on, however, more scientists will unveil newly invented gadgets and the society will have to depend less on themselves to accomplish tasks.  This will cause individuals to become less and less efficient and social.  Few people can remember the days before technology.  Those people can testify how much of a change technology has brought about, yet they yearn for the past days when life had simplicity without all this technology.

Cavanaugh, Maureene. "How Technology Affects Etiquette And Social Interaction." 1 12 2010. Online Posting to KPBS. Web. 2 Nov. 2011. <>. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

R U a Txtr?

Recently, teenagers have begun to fall under many categories. Some teenagers can fall under the “frequent texters” label. Often times, I will see teenagers walking down the street, cell phone in hand, texting just as fast as they can. Texting has, in some ways, revolutionized America, in some ways it has caused problems, in some ways it causes health problems, and has an interesting history. As many as seventy four percent of mobile phone users as of 2007 have texting. It indicates the entrance of future technology.

Some people have noticed the good change that texting has brought upon the population. For those who fear awkward phone conversations, texting gives them relief. Open the phone, punch in a few words, and press send. Does your dog do random, cute things when the camera lies in a different room? No problem. Just whip out the cell phone and snap a quick picture and send a picture message to your friends. No camera required. Also, one can send a quick text message to a friend without worrying about bothering them. Texting can easily keep friends in touch and updated through this convenient form of communication. If a business man stands in a loud area, eats at a restaurant or waits in line at the post office, talking on phone can result in rudeness. He can send a quick message without disturbing others while acquiring his goal.

Along with everything else, texting can cause some issues. For one, studies have shown that texting has quickly diminished grammar use in the twenty-first century. Teens have created abbreviations such as “u” for “you” and “btw” for “by the way” for quicker messaging. After much usage, these abbreviations have caused a slow disintegration in today’s grammar. Forgotten periods, neglected capitalization, ignored commas, and atrocious spelling have become normal. Texting has not helped in these areas. As one can see, texting has its good effects, and it has its bad effects.

With more than an average of one hundred texts sent per day per teen, one has to wonder if texting causes health issues. Yes, in fact, it can cause health problems. Some teenagers suffer from sleep deprivation because of excessive texting. Also, excessive use of the cell phone or the computer will cause a teen to lose track of time and get less done in the day than normal. Long periods of separation from a teen’s cell phone can sometimes lead to anger, tension, and depression. Many people have awareness of the effect texting while driving can have. As they say, too much of something always causes problems.

Sent to the phone of Richard Jarvis, the first text message said “Merry Christmas”. Neil Papworth sent this message from a personal computer, and it arrived in December of 1992. Primarily invented for use by the hearing impaired, texting did not gain much popularity right away. Eventually, texting did gain much popularity. Today, many people have access to this popular technology. Slowly, texting has changed the way the world communicates.

Citizens in America today text much more than they once did. Slowly, the percentage of America’s population adds texting to their cell phones. This rise in texting causes some problems, but it also causes some good things. Texting may cause a rise in crashes, it may cause a rise of teenagers’ sleeping problems, or it may cause a rise in good social interaction. Who knows? Only time will reveal the kind of impact texting will have on the world.

Monday, October 24, 2011


I wrote a paper rebutting an article that I found online. Underneath I have posted the link to the article that is rebutted. Warning: There is one crude statement in the article so I would advise parental permission before viewing it.

Evolution: It’s the law
October 13, 2011 by Doc Bradley

My response:
Ever since the invention of the idea of Evolution, Creationists and Evolutionists have hotly debated these two ideas. Many fallacies fill this argument, the writer does not prove his points, and he firmly sets himself against the idea of creationism which the rebutting side believes as true. Obviously, the article supports the idea of evolution, but fallacies bubble to the surface, even to the untrained eye. No valid argument presents itself because of the fallacies present along with the many false-hoods. Some, well educated people believe in what this article says, but other, also well educated people believe otherwise. This author believes in the creation of the world by spontaneous generation.
Consequently, in this article, many fallacies present themselves. Ad populum fallacies and ad hominem fallacies show up. Briefly, an ad populum fallacy states that many people believe in an idea, therefore, it should accepted as true. If a debater uses the ad hominem fallacy, he attacks the person because of what he believes. In paragraph three, the writer says, “Evolution is now accepted as being true by the vast majority of the world’s educated population.” The writer actually commits two fallacies in saying that the vast majority of educated people accept the idea of evolution. When the writer says, “With the creation (pun intended) of the Scientific Law of Evolution we, as the educated majority, can finally end the debate that occupies our courts and schoolrooms about the origins of the species.” Scholars call the fallacy here an ad hominem fallacy. By saying that those who believe in Evolution have education, the writer implies that those who do not share in his beliefs cannot hold the label of educated. As a writer composes an opinion piece, he must avoid fallacies at all cost, because the commitment of a fallacy will cause his destruction.

Several examples in the chosen article lack proof for the points that the writer makes. Found in the eighth paragraph, the writer says a Scientific Theory should quell the debate between Creation and Evolution. Only if an idea has gone through abundant amounts of experimentation even after naming it a scientific theory can scientists consider it true. Dr. Jay L. Wile’s book, Exploring Creation with General Science, says, “A scientific law is a theory that has been tested by and is consistent with generations of data”. At another point in the article, the writer labels creationism as non-verifiable. One may ask where the back-up information for this statement lies. In order for an argument to become valid, proof and back-up information must present itself.
God created this earth for his own purpose. He meditated and thought about creating this world, chance had nothing to do with it. If an archaeologist finds a watch in the rubble of his work zone, would he immediately conclude that the watch appeared by a bunch of different molecules coming together? Or would he decide that someone designed and put it there? Second Peter chapter three verse three to four says, “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation.” Evolutionists might say that one cannot prove the idea of Creationism, and that may ring true, but where can one find the firm evidence that proves Evolution? Both ideas involve faith. Intelligent people do now show fear in admitting that they believe in Creationism.

Creation scientists and evolutionists would admit that they look at the same evidence from a different point of view. This causes the sides to come up with different ideas. So desperate to deny the existence of a Creator, the writer runs to the Theory of Evolution. Providing no factual evidence, the writer also commits quite a few fallacies. Arguments can only become logical when evidence of the idea provides itself. Otherwise, the argument lacks validity. For scientists to consider an idea as sound, well-grounded corroboration must bubble to the surface.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I was looking around on my favorite video website ( when I found this.  A men's point of view on modesty.  It struck me that many men have a horrible problem with lust.  Some allow this lust to take over their lives, while others have to fight day by day to overcome this temptation.  Some women like to seduce men by showing more skin than necessary.  They do this because they know that men have a weakness for lust.  I must confess that, in the past, my focus had not been 100% on modesty.  I never dressed terribly immodestly, but it's also your attitude that has a hand.  Watching this video, I realized that, when a girl acts seductively, it causes the friendship between a man and that girl to go downhill, as is said in the video.  All women, Christian women especially need to realize that they need to help men with their weakness by dressing as a women who honors Christ.  This does not mean to go out to a store and buy a burka, but it means that we should dress as one who is saved by Jesus Christ.  No short shorts, no low cut shirts or ones that show cleavage.  My favorite line in this video is one of a guy who says that when he sees a girl dressed provocatively on the street, he thinks to himself, "I bet she doesn't know that 1,001 guys are going to devour her in their minds.  Or does she?"  Watch the video, and take the words of men to your heart.       

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Bard of Avon: Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is widely known as one of the greatest writers in the English language.  His writing has captured the eyes of many people.  His surviving works consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems.  Most of his works were produced between 1589 and 1613, and his earlier plays consisted more of comedies and historical plays.  His plays became a source of entertainment for the people of his time, and not much has changed since then.

            William Shakespeare was born as the son of John Shakespeare, who became a successful glover and alderman originally from Snitterfield, and Mary Arden, the daughter of a landowning farmer.  He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon and baptized there on the 26th of April, 1564.  No one really knows his true birth date, but we observe his birthday on the 23rd of April.  He reigned as the third child of eight, and the oldest surviving son.  No one knows for sure where Shakespeare went to school, but more biographers agree that he went to King’s New School in Stratford.  This free school became chartered in 1553 a quarter mile away from his home. 

            Shakespeare respect level did not rise dramatically in his day, but his popularity did not increase until the 19th century.  The Romantics especially appreciated his genius.  In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by movements in scholarship and performance.  His plays rank high in popularity and scholars constantly study them.  They are performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts all through the world. 

            You may know some of Shakespeare’s best work; A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, The Taming of the Shrew, and Romeo and Juliet.  All of these works are comedies, with Romeo and Juliet excepted.  This famous play categorizes as a tragedy.  Shakespeare’s popular poetry is his sonnets.  Shakespeare’s wrote his poetry mainly in the sonnet form.  Few poems by Shakespeare show as written in other forms of poetry.  His sonnets make for some of the best reading.

            Shakespeare has left a lasting impact on this world.  Besides creating about 1,700 words like aerial, amazement, and bloody, he also greatly influences writers as well.  He has influenced a large number of notable novelists.  Herman Melville and Charles Dickens are among said novelists.  Also, it is said that Shakespeare has become the second most quoted writer in the history of the English speaking world.  An author can hardly dream of having such a lasting impact on the world of literature as Shakespeare has.


William Shakespeare.  8 May. 2011.  Wikipedia
5 May. 2011 <>

Shakespeare's influence.  27 April. 2011.  Wikipedia
5 May. 2011 <'s_influence>

Shakespeare's Influence on Other Artists.  2011.  Shakespeare Online.
5 May. 2011 <>    

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Edgar Allan Poe: A short biography

           Edgar Allan Poe was a poet, author, editor and literary critic.  Many people who read his work will call it dark and macabre; his tales full of mystery and the morbid.  Poe became one of the earlier writers to create short stories.  He added to the science fiction genre of literature, and was also said to have tried to make a living off of writing alone.  Edgar one of the more popular poets and he has had quite an impact on the literary world.  He wrote very well and left a lasting legacy behind.
            Boston, Massachusetts is where the famous poet was born.  At a very young age, Poe’s mother died and he became orphaned, since his father had left the family.  John and Frances Allan took Edgar in, but never officially adopted him.  He went to a school in England from the age of six to the age of eleven and continued his studies in America.  In 1826, Poe attended the University of Virginia but, less than a year later, he had to quit due to a heavy drinking problem and debt.  
            When Poe was a young man, he failed at becoming a cadet at West Point.  He lied about his age so he could get admitted.  He rarely had a job and no one really liked his work during his lifetime.  To this day, no one really knows why Edgar died.  His fiancé said that he left the house with a weak pulse and a small fever, but nothing more serious than that.  Also, Poe was buried in an unmarked grave.  Eventually, they ordered a gravestone, but someone destroyed it on the train trip to the location of the grave. 
            Poe has written poems, tales, and essays.  Poe named the only play he ever wrote “Politician”.  This unfortunate play was never finished.  He mostly wrote poetry and fiction tales.  One of Poe’s tales is called “The Masque of the Red Death” which talks about a certain prince who tries to avoid a dangerous plague.  Edgar usually stuck to his normal dark and mysterious writing style.
            Poe’s early detective stories laid the groundwork for future mystery writers.  “Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said, ‘Each of Poe's detective stories is a root from which a whole literature has developed. Where was the detective story until Poe breathed the breath of life into it (’”  Poe created this genre and made a whole new path for other, young writers to follow.  Many people around the world today enjoy these novels, thanks to Edgar Allan Poe.


Edgar Allan Poe.  14 March. 2011.  Wikipedia

Edgar Allan Poe.  2006.  C.D. Merriman

Edgar Allan Poe.  2011.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Is true love real?  Yes, I think it is real.  A lot of the time, we use the word "love" without thinking twice.  For example, a child might say,  "I love ice cream!" or "I love candy!"  Teenagers also use the word "love" towards their boyfriend or girlfriend,  I don't think that we quite understand the strength of the word.  We use it left and right without thinking twice.  In the example of the child, I don't think it is necessarily bad, but in the example of the teenagers, yes, I do think it is wrong.  I think one should wait until the right person comes along before they start saying, "I love you".  Since we use the "L" word so much, we don't really take the time to think about what it means, therefore degrading the real definition.  The end effect of this would be people thinking that love will come right away and they are confused when the one whom they said "I love you" to walks away.  The phrase "I love you" is meant for the person one is planning to spend their whole lives with.  The word "love" has a power that most people don't understand, so we should preserve that power and save the real definition of love.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I find pleasure in reading works by the author Joan Bauer..  She has a writing style that I really like and I enjoy reading her books.  This book was really captivating and I haven't been able to find a book that has drawn me in from the first sentence like this one has in a while.  Her other book that I have written a review on, Hope Was Here, was just as captivating as this one.  As soon as I had Rules of the Road in my hands, I sat in bed and read half of it within an hour and a half.  I had the entire book read in a day.  I tend to do this a lot as I have an incredible reading speed.  This is exactly the type of book that people like me love.  I'm looking forward to get my next book by Joan Bauer.

Sunday, April 3, 2011 / 73-Logo | 
Abortion is one of the worlds most preformed surgical procedures, but the average person knows very little about its gruesome reality.  What is being destroyed is not a blob of cells, it's a living thing!  "The word fetus (plural fetuses) is from the Latin fetus, meaning offspring, bringing forth, hatching of young (Wikipedia)."  People like to call the tiny baby a "fetus" so that it does not sound like a human is being murdered in the process of abortion.  It's maddening when one thinks that the fact that no one cares to do anything as 3,000 "fetuses" are being killed every day in the U.S. and 130,000 world wide!  Thats 47,450,000 abortions every year!  If that amount of young or teenage children were being killed every year, we would do something about it!  Yet, we silently brush the fact aside.  We say to ourselves, "Those little blobs of cells are not worth anything anyway" and we go on with daily life.  I attended the March For Life in Washington D.C. and I was greatly encouraged that there were so many people who are against abortion, but there is still the rest of the world.  We have to take action against this act of murder and stop it.  It is not a human right, it's murder, plain and simple.       

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Book review

"Hope's used to thinking on her feet-- she hasn't become a terrific waitress by accident.  But when she and her aunt move from New York City to a small town in Wisconsin to run the local diner, she isn't sure she'll fit in.  Luckily, she doesn't have much time to brood.  G.T., the owner, has decided to run for mayor, and no one in town knows what to think.  After all, G.T. has leukemia.  And his opponent is the unscrupulous current mayor, who will do or say anything to win the election.  Hope knows that G.T. is up against the odds-- but his vision of the future is so vivid and good that she can't help but join the campaign.  Because, after all, everyone could use a little hope to get through the tough times.  Even Hope herself. (book description on the back of the book)" 

There are few books that I can read over and over and never get tired of it.  This is one of them.  Hope Was Here is a book about hope.  Not just the girl, but also the feeling.  Every one needs hope now and then, and for some people, it's all they have.  As you follow Hope through G.T.'s political campaign, you discover the power of hope and friendship.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

(Watch the movie first)
Did you know that English is about the sixth hardest language to learn?  This is because of all of the crazy pronunciations in our language.  "We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig (".  
1) The bandage was wound around the wound.
2) The farm was used to produce produce.
3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
4) We must polish the Polish furniture.
5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.
6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
8) I did not object to the object.
9) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
10) They were too close to the door to close it.
11) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear. 

12) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
We all now that the English language is going down the drain.  Let us try to preserve the language and not let it flow down the drain iether... Either?   

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I took this picture yesterday and I absolutely love it!  The thing that surprised me about it was I was just starting to shoot it, and within about five minutes, I got this shot!  I didn't think much of it when I looked at it on the camera screen, but after I finished with it in lightroom, I was very happy with it.  This just goes to show you how just playing around with items in photography can pay off pretty well!  If you want to see the picture on a larger scale, just click on it.
Alright, new blog! I'll get this up and running eventually but for now it's going to be pretty basic, so be patient!  In this blog, I will basically be posting just about anything.  Essays that I think are my best work, photos that I have taken, and stuff like that.  It should be fun, so keep on coming back.